You can also find my profile here.
Ocone, Paul. 2024. "Fandom and the Ethics of World-Making: Building Spaces for Belonging on BobaBoard." In "Fandom and Platforms," edited by Maria K. Alberto, Effie Sapuridis, and Lesley Willard, special issue, Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 42.
Ocone, Paul. 2023. “Contents Tourism, the Media Mix, and Setting Moé: Toward a Spatial Theory of the Media Mix.” Mechademia: Second Arc 16 (1): 167–89.
Ocone, Paul. 2021. “Dis/Joint: Unification of Sound, Music, Narrative, and Animation in Liz and the Blue Bird.” Mechademia: Second Arc 13 (2): 26–46.
Conference Presentations
“Exploring Strategies of Fan Tourism Promotion: The Case Study of the Anime Series Hibike! Euphonium” for the panel “Fandom as Cultural Exchange” at the Fan Studies Network – North America Conference, Virtual, October 17, 2024.
“Reticent desires: On the Possibilities and Problematics of Queer Expression at Anime Conventions” at the Queer and Feminist Perspectives on Japanese Popular Cultures Symposium, Virtual, April 15, 2024.
“Can Commercialism and Pilgrimage Subcultures Coexist? Exploring the Spatial Media Mix of Sound! Euphonium” at the Popular Culture Tourism Stakeholders Summit in Japan, Kure, Hiroshima, Japan, January 20, 2024.
“The End and the Beginning (Again): Cyclical Storytelling, Reuse, and Endings in Rebuild of Evangelion’s Metanarrative” at the “Like A Version: Adaptations, Reboots and Remakes in Popular Culture” conference, Virtual, November 30, 2023.
“Spatial Frictions: Reconsidering the Role of Physical Space at Anime Conventions” for the panel “Materials, Bodies, Space” at the Fan Studies Network – North America Conference, Virtual, October 2023.
“Fandom and the Ethics of World-Making: Building Spaces for Belonging on Bobaboard” for the roundtable “Social Media” at the Fan Studies Network – North America Conference, Virtual, October 2022
“Transcultural Perspectives on Moe: Fan Theories, Discourses” for the panel “Definitions and Delineations” at the Mechademia Conference, Virtual, June 2022.
“Rhyme and Reason Have Returned! The Phantom Tollbooth as Interdisciplinary Allegory” for the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies conference, Virtual, October 2021.
“The Politics of Space and Sexuality in Anime Fan Conventions.” Multimedia poster for the Fan Studies Network – North America Conference, Virtual, October 2021.
Undergraduate Research Presentations
“The Flows and Frictions of Otaku Desire: Sexuality, Sociality, and Movement at the Anime Convention Otakon” for the UMBC Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day, April 2023.
“The Flows and Frictions of Otaku Desire: Sexuality, Affect, Sociality, and Movement at Otakon.” Capstone presentation for the UMBC Individualized Study program, December 2022.
“Rhyme and Reason Have Returned! The Phantom Tollbooth as Interdisciplinary Allegory” for the UMBC Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day, May 2022.
“Contested Spaces: Negotiating Social Norms in Online Fandom” for the UMBC Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day, May 2022.
“Dis/joint: Unification of Sound, Music, Narrative, and Animation in Liz and the Blue Bird” for the UMBC Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day, May 2021.